5 Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill This Winter
How will you save on your energy bill this winter?
Winter is here! Hello hot chocolate, warm sweaters and snow! But along with those low temperatures come the high gas bills. Even if you’re a renter, if you pay your own utility bills, those frigid January nights hurt all the more knowing your energy bill is skyrocketing. I’m going to share my favorite, easy tips for lowering your gas bill this winter. Whether you’re a renter (like me) or you own your own home, these tips can help you keep that gas bill down.
Winterize your windows
If you own your own home and can afford to replace the old windows, do it now! Replacing old, drafty windows with newer ones may seem like a big upfront cost, but they will be the gift that keeps on giving! New windows can make a huge difference in your energy bill, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars year after year.
If you’re a renter, like me, you probably won’t be offering to pay for new windows for the landlord, but there’s still plenty you can do to keep drafts out of your house. If there’s an obvious hole or draft in a window or door, try to patch it up. You can buy tons of easy stick-on insulation strips online or at a local hardware store.
Another option is to use a window insulation kit. It’s basically a piece of plastic (looks like the plastic wrap you use in the kitchen) that you tape over the window and use a hair dryer to soften out the wrinkles. You almost don’t notice the plastic and it creates a very effective barrier between the window and your room, preventing drafts and keeping the heat in your house, where it belongs! Here’s the one that I use from Amazon: Indoor Window Insulation Kit.
2. Turn down the heat at night & when you’re away
The quickest and easiest way to save money on heat is to turn down the temperature! Easier said than done though, right? I’m not going to suggest that you freeze yourself to death in your own home (were any other Millennials out there not allowed to touch their parents’ thermostat in the winter?) But while you’re snuggled down in your bed at night, why not turn it down 5 degrees? Put on some warm pajamas, get an electric blanket and enjoy your nice warm bed.
If your kids are at school and you’re at the office for 8 hours a day, then your home doesn’t need to be warm during the day (even if you have pets - they have fur, they’ll be fine). Set the thermostat warmer in the morning and evening when your family is at home, then let it cool off during the day.
If you’ll be away for a few days for the holidays, or away on vacation, set your thermostat low. I leave mine on 60-62 when I’m away on vacation. It’s warm enough that my plants won’t die and the pipes won’t freeze, but it’s about 10 degrees cooler than I keep it when I’m home. Even just a few days can make a big difference in my bill.
You can also buy cheap, programmable thermostats online or at a hardware store. Automatically setting the thermostat to go down at night and when you’re away can be an easy “set it and forget it” method for lowering your bill.
3. Use a space heater
Especially if you’re only occupying one part of the house, get a small space heater to warm that one area. When I’m working in the office in the winter, I use my space heater to make the room nice and warm. But I leave the rest of the house cooler since I’m not occupying the whole house. It’s cheaper to use the space heater in the one room, than to have the furnace heat up the whole house.
4. Replace your filters
The harder your furnace has to work, the more you will pay. Replace your furnace filters every couple months to make sure your furnace is working as efficiently as possible. You can get filters for about $5 at a hardware store, and you’ll definitely see more than that in savings.
5. Use your curtains (night and day)
Use your curtains efficiently. Open them up during the day to allow the sun to come in and heat your space. My office space is south-facing and on a sunny afternoon it can get quite toasty, even in the winter. During the night, close your blinds and possibly even use a command strip to fasten them to the wall to prevent drafts from sneaking into your room.
Winter is a wonderful time of year, so don’t let your energy bill get you down! Even if you live in a rental space with very old, drafty windows (I’m obviously speaking from experience here), there are plenty of things you can do to keep your home warm and your energy bill low this winter. And by making your home more energy efficient, you are not only saving on your gas bill but also helping the environment!
Action items:
Check your doors and windows for drafts and leaks. If you find any, buy some insulation strips or a window insulation kit to help block drafts and keep the heat inside where it belongs!
Buy a small space heater. They’re great for heating up the bedroom before you get dressed in the morning, or warming a single room to occupy during the day.
Replace your furnace filters. Go to the hardware store and get a new filter for $5. Having a fresh filter helps your HVAC system run more efficiently, saving money and energy.
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