What’s Your Money Story? The Psychology Behind Your Financial Habits
Have you ever wondered why you behave the way you do with money? Lessons you learned in childhood could be the answer. From family influences to cultural narratives, understanding the origins of your money stories is an important part of making lasting changes to your relationship with money.

Do You Need an Emergency Savings?
Emergency savings help you cover sudden, large expenses. Do you have an emergency savings yet?

What’s a Budget?
Rule #1 for personal finance is “create a budget” - but what even is a budget?

Why I used to hate automatic transfers
I used to hate automatic savings. Last year, I finally had a change of heart and I’ll tell you why.

6 Ways to Cut Down Your Grocery Bill
Looking to cut down on your grocery bill? Try these 6 techniques!

6 Green Financial Flags (And 2 Neutral Ones)
We’ve all heard of red flags, but what about green ones? Do you and your partner meet all 6 green flags?

Pay Yourself First
You pay everyone else, why not yourself? Learn how to prioritize your savings and long term financial health.

Is Your Latte the Reason You Can’t Buy a House?
We’ve all heard it. “If you stop buying lattes you’d be able to buy a house”. But is it true?

How I Make My Budget
Do you have trouble sticking to your budget? Me too! Check out the ways I manage my budget that allow me freedom to spend where I want without feeling constrained.

What Banks Don’t Tell You About Your 401k
Use these tips to make more money with your 401k, with no additional contributions.

5 Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill This Winter
With the temperatures dropping, energy bills are going up! Check out my 5 tips for saving money on your energy bill this winter.

How to Make a New Year’s Resolution and Actually Stick to it
Tired of making resolutions only to give up by February? Your willpower may not be the problem.

6 Ways to Save on Rent
If your rent keeps going up, up and up what can you do? Check out my 6 tips for how to save money on rent.

10 Cheap Holiday Activities
Celebrate the holidays without the price tag. Check out my 10 favorite, cheap holiday activities.

Goal Setting: Start from the Finish Line
Instead of starting from the beginning, what if you started from the end? Try working backwards to achieve your goals.

Spending Money with a Scarcity Mindset
What do you do if you feel guilt any time you spend money? Is there such thing as an “over saver”?

Cheap, Fun Activities with Friends
How to spend time with the people you love most without breaking the bank

Furnishing a New Home on a Budget
How my husband and I furnished our new place for less than $1,000