Should You Still Invest if You Have Student Loans?
Everyone tells you to invest in your 20s so your money can grow, but you still have student loan payments! Should you pay off the loan before investing?
50/30/20 Budgeting
The 50/30/20 budgeting rule is a quick and easy way to figure out if your spending & saving is on track. How do your numbers match up?
8 Financial Wins That You Can Do Today
If you want to do more for your finances, but can’t find the time, this post is for you! Check out my 8 micro-wins that you can do in 15 minutes or less.
Is Your 401k Vested?
Most employers don’t advertise when they’ve vested 401k contributions, limiting your access to their contributions. Is your 401k vested? How can you find out?
Lifestyle Inflation
Have you ever gotten a raise at work, only to find a few months later that you still have no savings? Lifestyle inflation may be the culprit.