Thankful for What We Have: Cultivating a Gratitude Mindset Around Money
As we near Thanksgiving, a holiday focused on gratitude, let us explore how cultivating a practice of gratitude with our finances can shift perspective with money, leading to healthier, happier financial decisions.

Mindset Shifts for Financial Freedom: From Money Scarcity to Abundance
A scarcity mindset can do more than just affect our money, it can affect our entire outlook on life. Shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance is an important part of managing your money and building a life you love.

Navigating Financial Anxiety: Overcoming Stress and Fear About Your Finances
Financial anxiety plays a significant role in overall health. By managing our finances effectively and practicing healthy financial habits, we can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Prioritizing financial health is key to living a balanced life.

Do You Need an Emergency Savings?
Emergency savings help you cover sudden, large expenses. Do you have an emergency savings yet?

What To Do If Your Spending Is Greater Than Your Income
If your expenses are more than your income - it’s not hopeless! You’re going to have to make some changes but YOU can do this!

Juneteenth - Are we equal yet?
It’s been nearly 160 years since June 19th, 1865. Juneteenth is the perfect time to reflect on the changes between blacks and whites since that time, the progress we still have to make and, most importantly, what role money has in the process.

4 things to consider before combining finances with a partner
Thinking about combining finances with your partner? Here are 4 things you should consider.

8 Financial Wins That You Can Do Today
If you want to do more for your finances, but can’t find the time, this post is for you! Check out my 8 micro-wins that you can do in 15 minutes or less.

6 Green Financial Flags (And 2 Neutral Ones)
We’ve all heard of red flags, but what about green ones? Do you and your partner meet all 6 green flags?

Money Dates with Your Partner
This Valentine’s Day forget the flowers and chocolates. Money is more romantic! Check out my post for tips on having your first Money Date with your partner.

Make Time for Your Money
I hate the phrase “I don’t have time”. It’s a bad excuse to avoid things we don’t want to do. In this week’s post, I’ll talk about why we avoid money, and what you can do to create more time for money in your schedule.