The Connection Between Self-Worth and Net-Worth
Your self-worth may not show up in your bank account balance, but it shapes every financial decision you make—discover how improving one can transform the other.

How Fear of Loss is Holding You Back Financially
Fearing loss is a survival instinct, but when it comes to money, it can hold us back. Whether it’s avoiding investing, procrastinating on important decisions, or hoarding cash out of fear, loss aversion keeps us stuck—robbing us of financial growth and opportunities.

What’s Your Money Story? The Psychology Behind Your Financial Habits
Have you ever wondered why you behave the way you do with money? Lessons you learned in childhood could be the answer. From family influences to cultural narratives, understanding the origins of your money stories is an important part of making lasting changes to your relationship with money.

Thankful for What We Have: Cultivating a Gratitude Mindset Around Money
As we near Thanksgiving, a holiday focused on gratitude, let us explore how cultivating a practice of gratitude with our finances can shift perspective with money, leading to healthier, happier financial decisions.

Spending, Saving, and Thriving: A Guide to Financial Self-Care
Financial self-care is a holistic approach to managing money that goes beyond budgets and savings to create a positive, sustainable relationship with finances, aligning spending with personal values to reduce stress and support mental well-being.

Mindset Shifts for Financial Freedom: From Money Scarcity to Abundance
A scarcity mindset can do more than just affect our money, it can affect our entire outlook on life. Shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance is an important part of managing your money and building a life you love.

From Budgeting to Dream-Building: How to Let Go of Money Anxiety and Build a Life You Love
Is your budget holding you back from your dreams?

Navigating Financial Anxiety: Overcoming Stress and Fear About Your Finances
Financial anxiety plays a significant role in overall health. By managing our finances effectively and practicing healthy financial habits, we can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Prioritizing financial health is key to living a balanced life.

The Frindy Dindy Account
If you struggle with a scarcity mindset when it comes to money, the Frindy Dindy account is your answer! Learn to balance spending your money for enjoyment with long-term financial goals.

The 2 Most Important Things You Will Ever Buy
The two most important things you will ever buy? Your time & health. They are the only things that, once gone, you’ll never get back.

Can money give you freedom?
Money might not buy happiness, but it can buy freedom. How will you use your money to buy more freedom?

It’s ok to fail
As women, we over-examine our failures, searching for where it went wrong. But everyone makes mistakes in life, especially with our money. It’s ok to fail and it’s ok to move on.

Juneteenth - Are we equal yet?
It’s been nearly 160 years since June 19th, 1865. Juneteenth is the perfect time to reflect on the changes between blacks and whites since that time, the progress we still have to make and, most importantly, what role money has in the process.

Are You a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
Have you ever stopped to think why you make the decisions you do with money? How do you think your beliefs and expectations play a role in your finances?

Why I used to hate automatic transfers
I used to hate automatic savings. Last year, I finally had a change of heart and I’ll tell you why.

Pay Yourself First
You pay everyone else, why not yourself? Learn how to prioritize your savings and long term financial health.

How to Make a New Year’s Resolution and Actually Stick to it
Tired of making resolutions only to give up by February? Your willpower may not be the problem.

Spending Money with a Scarcity Mindset
What do you do if you feel guilt any time you spend money? Is there such thing as an “over saver”?